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’13 Reasons Why’ from the perspective of a 17 year old high schooler

I can testify that in my own school, that as soon as this show came out there was talk everywhere. I heard a number of things despite not seeing it myself. However I am a film buff, and I see why people my age love this show and why many adults are so confused as to why we love this show. Here is the simple answer: the show is what a lot of teens are going through right now, it shows how harsh life can be at this age.

Posted by Aoi on

smwr carseat Houston Crime Stoppers Sunday Mornings with Rania: Hands Off The Car Seats!

Car seats and booster seats are two of the most important items you can have in your car if your children of are a certain age. Rania warns parents that placing your child in the wrong one at the wrong age could be a lethal mistake.

Posted by Rania Mankarious on

Sunday Mornings with Rania: 13 Reasons Why Not

I’ve written about this series before and many have heard about it. In a typical news fashion way, the national conversations have flared up, mainstream news has covered it and moved on. But the realities of the 13 Reasons Why and the risks of suicide amongst everyday teens is not something I can easily move past. Right now, as I write this, there are tweens and teens across Houston who are contemplating suicide. In fact, another 15-year-girl lost her life to suicide just last month. The trends are not showing signs of slowing down and that’s frightening to me. … So here I am, not wanting to put the topic down just yet; it’s time to turn #13ReasonsWhy into #13ReasonsWhyNOT. Please share these reasons with the youth in your lives.

Posted by Rania Mankarious on

Sunday Mornings with Rania: 100 ‘Deadliest Days’

For them, it’s literally the most wonderful time of the year. Gone are the rushed mornings, the panic over assignments, class projects and tests. At least for a few months. It’s a time to stop, take a breath, and relax, for the kids and the entire family.

That said, while out goes the angst over academics, in comes (I hope) concern over our kids’ safety. … In fact, AAA calls the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers. Why? Because of the overwhelming number of teen-related fatal car accidents. It’s actually incredible to think about. Parents, please, as kids get excited for the end-of-year festivities, please remind them to:

Posted by Rania Mankarious on

Hit and Runs

Shredding shouldn’t be your sole defense. ID theft is more likely to result from data breaches, computer malware, a lost or stolen wallet and other devious methods, including thieves buying sensitive information on the scammer black market, instead of searching for it among discarded eggshells and coffee grounds. Still, at organized shred fests with monster machines or at home with a more compact confetti maker (always use a “micro-cut” or crosscut model), shredding is a simple step to add another layer of protection, not to mention more storage or shelf space.

Posted by Crime Stoppers of Houston on

The Truth about Exploitation and the Elderly

Exploitation of the elderly has always existed and only in the past few decades has it been recognized as an epidemic as more tragic stories surface into the spotlight. Today, exploitation of the elderly is a very prevalent problem wherein the perpetrators are usually family members, paid caregivers or in some cases unsuspecting strangers.

Posted by Lori Albee on

Sunday Mornings With Rania: Elder Abuse

For Houstonians, the topic of elder abuse is one we don’t take lightly. Our community made this loud and clear following the release of this video in January by the Memorial Village Police, which showed (skip to 5:30) caretaker Brenda Floyd repeatedly striking 94-year-old Alzheimer patient, Dorothy Bratten, in her home.

Posted by Rania Mankarious on

Police Appreciation Week Art Contest

Like last year Crime Stoppers of Houston partnered with Houston Independent School District on their district-wide policeweek art contest. Cesaer won 1st place and we surprised his class with Harris County Sheriff’s Office K9 Bret who looks like the K9 he drew in this artwork.

Posted by Mariauna L. Hernandez on

Sunday Mornings With Rania: UT Stabbing from a Parent’s Perspective

Honestly, one of the worst things a parent can hear is that there is an active shooting or stabbing at their child’s school – and it doesn’t matter how old that child is – 5 is like 15 is like 25.

I was vividly reminded of last week when I was in Houston, with UT parents, when headlines broke: “Deadly stabbing on University of Texas at Austin campus.” I watched as phones lit up and frantic texts were going back and forth between siblings and parents. Where were their kids? Are they okay? Were they close to the incident? What was the incident? How do you get them to safety immediately?

Posted by Rania Mankarious on

Sunday Mornings with Rania: 13 Reasons Why

In today’s world, it’s a rare thing to see parents and their children coming together to watch or talk about a TV or Netflix series. But parents, as early as the moment you finish reading this, I would ask your children (especially any teenaged children) if they are streaming Netflix’s controversial series 13 Reasons Why. People all over the globe are talking about this extreme series with opinions ranging widely.

Posted by Rania Mankarious on