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photo of Pepper e1583849723686 Houston Crime Stoppers The Transformational Story of Pepper

The Transformational Story of Pepper It was a Tuesday morning in early October when an Animal Cruelty Officer responded to a call in Acres Homes in Northwest Houston. A caller reported that an animal had been sitting out in the yard for months, with serious matting, and obvious sign of neglect. As the officer approached the house, he saw a small brown dog and three large dogs. It was obvious the small dog was severely neglected and in distress. Her hair was overgrown and matted in giant clumps all over her body, soaked in her own feces and urine, weighing her down. This dog was black, but her fur was bleached to almost white, evidence that she was sitting in her own urine. When asked about this case, Officer Farmer said, “I have been doing animal crime investigations for 11 years, and this was in the top 10% worst matting cases I’ve seen.” Upon talking to the homeowner, the officer learned this dog was actually not the homeowners. A friend was moving to an apartment, and asked this friend to hold their dog while they moved. Unfortunately, they never returned for their dog and ignored calls and texts from the […]

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