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dreamstime l 9069207 A Message from Crime Stoppers scaled Houston Crime Stoppers As Expected: The Politicization of Crime Targets Crime Stoppers of Houston. Our Response.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 23, 2022 On Thursday, April 21, 2022, Crime Stoppers of Houston (CSoH) CEO welcomed Senator John Cornyn (R) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) to the Dave Ward Crime Stoppers of Houston building to address bipartisan efforts that seek to prevent and respond to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking against women and hear more of these efforts to protect our citizens. But during that meeting, CSoH was bombarded by multiple coordinated stories rooted in partisan noise. For Over 40 Years Let’s begin with the basic fact that for over 40 years, CSoH has stayed true to its mission to solve and prevent crime in partnership with citizens, media and the criminal justice system. During this time, we have studied crime trends and issues, identifying points of concern for the community, listened to the cries of victims and worked hard to offer solutions. We have never deviated from the mission and have, and continue to build solutions with and for all. The Politicization of Crime Sadly, community safety is no longer a common goal. We are in election year and a season where crime and “public safety” are now “political.” The goal of this […]

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dreamstime l 9069207 A Message from Crime Stoppers scaled Houston Crime Stoppers The Politicization of Crime: 4/1/22

As crime continues to be politicized, sadly Crime Stoppers is becoming a target. While none of this will deter us from being a voice for victims, when possible, we will share the attacks and our response. Read more below: In 2019, Crime Stoppers of Houston began noticing a trend in which many of the defendants charged with murder were released on multiple felony bonds, person recognizance (PR) bonds, motion to revoke bond denied and bond forfeiture. Since then, we have compiled a list of victims killed/murdered by defendants that had been released on the above at the time of their death.  Sadly, this list has grown to over 160 men, women and children who have lost their lives at the hands defendants that have shown time and time again that they are a direct threat to our community.  We are not talking about low level felony case or misdemeanor case or even drug related case.  We are talking about violent felonies as defined by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting of 2019 that includes murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forceable rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults. All of which are arguably the most feared types of victimization in our society. Crime Stoppers of Houston […]

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dreamstime xl 23133837 scaled e1648840528926 Houston Crime Stoppers Animal Cruelty Prevention

According to the ASPCA an animal is abused every 60 seconds. The Humane Society of the United States reports that most cases of animal abuse go undetected. Animal cruelty takes many forms, from neglecting to provide clean water, food and veterinary care to severe beatings and other physical attacks. It is hard to believe that animal abuse is still a serious problem in modern society. It is horrible to think about, but the results of ignoring animal cruelty are even more devastating. Animal cruelty is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed or under the control of others. The motive may be to shock, threaten, intimidate or offend others or to demonstrate rejection of society’s rules. Some who are cruel to animals copy acts they have seen or that have been done to them. Others see harming an animal as a safe way to get revenge against someone who cares about that animal which is why animals are protected in restraining orders. Preventing animal cruelty is in the best interests of a community, as well as, important for public health. Studies have shown that cruelty to animals is a sign that other abuse is taking place in the […]

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computer webinar jenna scaled Houston Crime Stoppers Our Q2 2022 Webinar Calendar is Now Available

Supported by partners like the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Spindletop Community Impact Partners, Inc.  and others, our free webinars are designed to provide critical safety education and resources to schools and communities across Texas. All webinars are free-of-charge. An array of safety topics will be covered in the following key areas: S.A.V.E. (Safety Actions. Valuable Education) webinar series is a FREE virtual platform to inform, educate and provide resources for teachers, school administrators, school-based law enforcement, school related safety personnel, as well as all Crime Stoppers organizations on the many topics that concern the safety of our schools and community. This series will be offered on Mondays at 10am: April 4: Prom Safety April 18: Importance of Animal Safety Education in Schools and Reporting April 25: Mental Health for Educators and Students during Testing May 2: Testing Stressors: Mental Health Strategies May 16: Think Before you Post May 23: Summer Safety June 13: Summer Situational Awareness June 20: Reporting: Creating a Safe Space June 27: Bystander Interventions These S.A.V.E. webinars are made possible by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Spindletop Community Impact Partners, Inc. Presentations for the Community: Through multimedia presentations, the Safe Community Program (SCP) presents cutting edge […]

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