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Statewide Expansion

On May 30, 2018, Governor Greg Abbott unveiled his multifaceted “School and Firearm Safety Action Plan” in response to the Santa Fe High School shooting that occurred on May 18, 2018. His Action Plan includes expanding campus Crime Stoppers programs statewide. As the largest Crime Stoppers organization in the country, the Texas Criminal Justice Division asked Crime Stoppers of Houston to roll out our Safe School Program to as many Crime Stoppers organizations across the state – reaching approximately 1,800 school districts.

In response, we are committed to sharing our program, training stakeholders, developing curriculum, and engaging the community so that every Crime Stoppers organization operating within the State of Texas can offer their local schools and their entire community the same life-saving tools and resources we have here.

In 2018, we held our first quarterly training at our headquarters, followed by 6 more in-person quarterly trainings through February 2020. However, with the onset of COVID 19, we moved our trainings to a virtual platform for the remainder of 2020 through present. We’ve reached 291 Crime Stoppers groups/affiliates within Texas, 31 Crime Stoppers groups/affiliates from around the USA and internationally and will continue to host quarterly trainings moving forward. 

Statewide Training Information

In addition to Crime Stoppers organizations in Texas, we invite teachers, school administrators, school-based law enforcement, and school-related safety personnel to attend one of our quarterly trainings. During this two-day training, we share everything you need to know to implement safe school programs into schools and communities within Texas and offer attendees a closer look at the subject-based school safety presentations that we present in schools such as cyber safety and human trafficking.

2024 Statewide Tranings Houston Crime Stoppers

2025 – Statewide Trainings

Q1 – February 10 & 11 – This Statewide Training has Passed!
Q2 – April 21 & 22 – Registration Now Open! – Register here! 
Q3 – July 21 & 22 – Save the Date!
Q3 – October 13 & 14 – Save the Date!


Statewide Expansion Sponsors

Thank you to our partners at the TEA for making our statewide expansion possible.

TEA logo Color w outlines updated Houston Crime Stoppers