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Safe School Institute

The Safe School Institute (SSI) is a one-stop center for all aspects of school safety. SSI keeps schools safe by creating a proactive dialogue with students, school staff and law enforcement about personal and school safety. The institute strives to reduce victimization, deter delinquency, and increase campus reporting through prevention-based presentations and trainings.

Since its inception in 1997, the Safe School Institute has evolved into a FREE, year-round program that has educated nearly 1.7 million students in 107 school districts in the Greater Houston Area and Texas.

The Institute delivers all three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary. We are committed to reaching our audience whenever they are able, whether it be during school hours or outside of school hours, on campus or off-campus. Whatever their needs are, the Safe School Institute is available at no cost to provide a customized format that addresses those needs.



Keeping campuses safe by learning current data, policies, and best-practices to support students. Satisfies state mandates. (Presentation time approx. 60-90 minutes). Topics offered:


Active Shooter in partnership  with JetBlue  Cyber Safety Awareness Online Solicitation Prevention
be nice.® (Mental Health Awareness) in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan and be nice.® MI Dating Safety & Sexual Misconduct Awareness Social Media & Mental Health Awareness
Bullying Prevention Fentanyl Awareness Substance Use Prevention
Gaming Safety Awareness Tip Line Awareness
Child Abuse Prevention: Recognizing & Reporting Hate & Harrassment Awareness Vaping Awareness


Through multimedia presentations, the Safe School Institute promotes personal safety to aid students in avoiding victimization, deter delinquency and emphasize the importance of reporting criminal activity on campus. Satisfies state mandates. (Presentation time approx. 30-45 minutes). Topics offered:     


Active Shooter in partnership with JetBlue  Dating Safety & Sexual Misconduct Awareness Situational Awareness
Animal Safety Awareness Fentanyl Awareness Social Media & Mental Health Awareness 
be nice.® (Mental Health Awareness) in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan and be nice.® MI Human Trafficking Awareness Substance Use Prevention
Bullying Prevention in partnership with David’s Legacy Foundation Juvenile Law Awareness Tip Line Awareness
Cyber Safety Awareness Prom Safety Awareness Vaping Awareness


2024 SSI Sponsor Slide Houston Crime Stoppers

The Safe School Institute team was invited to present on teen dating violence and sexual misconduct at a high school in Baytown, Texas. After the presentation, a student personally thanked our staff presenter and shared they had recently had a family member struggle with dating violence in a relationship. The student empathized with how vital the conversation points are to young adults and validated the red flag behaviors highlighted in the presentation compared to what her family member had experienced.

A few days after providing a virtual presentation on cyber safety to teen students at a local school in Houston, Texas, a student at the campus reached out via email to share that they were being bullied by a fellow student and were concerned for their wellbeing. The Safe School Institute team responded to the student and applauded them for their courage, shared the incident with the counselor on campus, and connected this student to the resources and support they needed.

At the conclusion of a human trafficking presentation at a local middle school, our team received positive feedback from the students on the Light 2024 video done by our partners at Goya Foods. The students really like it and it has really made an impact on how they see human trafficking, specifically how it could happen to a student just like them. After facilitating a presentation on bullying prevention to 5th graders at an elementary school in San Antonio, Texas, the counselor informed our team that students had improved their treatment of one another. Students also took the “on Wednesdays we wear pink” from Mean Girls and made it into a day where they did intentional acts of kindness. A parent even got involved and made shirts for the entire 5th grade cohort. Following a presentation in Seguin, Texas, a student came forward asking our education specialist for more information about the Tip Line, disclosing that they were going to call the Tip Line regarding dating violence that was occurring to her friend.

Following a presentation on teen dating violence and human trafficking prevention at an early college preparatory school, a student came forward, disclosing concerns about an online relationship she had been engaging in. The counselor was able to offer ongoing support after her disclosure.

SSI At A Glance Houston Crime Stoppers

Safe School Institute Newsletter

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Safe Schools Start Here

Welcome to our Safe School Institute program page! We are dedicated to equipping students, teachers, and all school safety personnel with life-saving information and training. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team with questions at ssi@crime-stoppers.org.

SSI Students Reached Houston Crime Stoppers