Disaster Preparation: the Link between Local Libraries and Navigating an Emergency
Public libraries are an important part of any society and can connect you to all sorts of information on any subject or question you may have. While many think of libraries as simply a room full of books, that could not be farther from the truth; with the help of a library, you can be connected to resources, both digital and physical, inside and outside of our building, including information on fire safety, emergency preparedness, and firework safety that is appropriate for any age. For children, we have books available to check out both in-house and online. These range in topics from how to survive a fire, what to do in case of an emergency, how to interact with emergency services, and how to deal with the aftermath of a disaster. These are incredibly important resources for children, as it helps them understand the world around them, and how to safely navigate it both physically and emotionally. For adults, library resources include books, databases, and reference materials from entities such as FEMA that cover a myriad of topics including how to elevate your flood-prone house, questions about the National Flood Insurance Program, and reducing damage from localized flooding. Two examples […]
Posted by Laura Hancock, MLIS on 13 Jul 2022