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depressed girl sexual assault Houston Crime Stoppers Natural Disasters Bring an Uptick in Victimization

Going through a hurricane whether you were directly impacted or not makes us all susceptible to victimization. Our youth are sadly at risk for a myriad of reasons – some may have been displaced, some may be suffering from anxiety over the situation in general or simply by watching the news, and others may feel unsafe. Perpetrators pray on those vulnerabilities.

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Interest Bullying – Why this may happen? (written by a local teen)

Everyone has their own favorite activities, be it sports, chess, crossword, quiz bowl, film, acting, or gaming. Everyone has their own tastes in what they enjoy doing in their spare time, then why is it that people make fun of others for joining other clubs, what makes being part of football or lacrosse any better than being part of a foreign language club or a traditional dance club. It perplexes me why it even matters why high school students even care about what others enjoy doing, everyone has a different idea of fun, so why does this happen, I think the answer is far simpler than you may think.

Posted by Aoi on

smwr mominthemiddle Houston Crime Stoppers Sunday Mornings With Rania: Moms in the Middle

Rania reflects on the phase of life she calls mom in the middle – the time when women have their own young family as their parents walk though later stages in life.

Posted by Rania Mankarious on

stopwearealladdicted Houston Crime Stoppers Sunday Mornings with Rania: Stop! We Are All Addicted

A recent study asked: If you had to choose between having a broken bone or a broken cell phone, what would you choose? Forty-six percent willingly chose a broken bone. Rania Mankarious, executive director of Crime Stoppers of Houston, talks about our addiction to our smartphones.

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smwr bluewalechallenge Houston Crime Stoppers Sunday Mornings with Rania: The Blue Whale Challenge

The Blue Whale Challenge is a 50-day internet dare or obstacle course filled with daily tasks that encourages participants to do things that range from watching horror films to self-mutilation, ending with suicide.

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