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blog Another Perspective of Exploitation in Houston

Born and raised in Southeast Houston, abandoned at birth, raised, loved and enabled by many, my name is Tracy Dudley, and I am the Founding Survivor of Project Girls, a crisis intervention program that targets exploitation primarily in Southeast Houston. I spent many years on the southeast side of Houston as an angry, violent, drug addicted prostitute. I never had a pimp, nor was I forced into the life by another human being. Instead, my pimp was camouflaged in a dope mans body. My pimp hid in the trauma I experienced growing up, the self hatred that I learned to nurture and survive with. My pimp was the anxiety and frustration I felt year after year in not feeling important or that I mattered. From this place of pain an alter ego was born. Countless women, like myself make vows and promises from this place as desperate attempts are made for power and control and the confidence that escapes so many. Today as an overcomer with more than 17 years’ experience, I am honored to stand with the countless survivors, agencies, initiatives, concerned families, government officials and NGO’s who have taken a stand in the fight to end the demand and […]

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podcast episode 15 e1610583388900 Houston Crime Stoppers The Balanced Voice Podcast with Rania Mankarious Kicks Off Season 2

Today, Crime Stoppers of Houston kicked off season 2 of it’s podcast, The Balanced Voice Podcast. This is a podcast for those who desire to have balanced conversations that offer real solutions to today’s most pressing issues. Join the conversation every Wednesday at 10am. This week on Episode 15, we welcome Crime Stoppers of Houston’s very own Director of Victim Services and Victim Advocacy, Andy Kahan, to discuss the shocking trend of the repeat release of violent offenders on bond. In their conversation, Rania, Andy and expert contributor, Jennifer Hohman, break down how this disturbing trend correlates to rising crime rates and affects human trafficking victims. Watch below or listen on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and iHeart! – Hosted by Crime Stoppers CEO Rania Mankarious @theraniareport Powered by Crime Stoppers of Houston Produced by Real News Public Relations, Sydney Zuiker, Elizabeth McChesney and Tania Cruz

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dreamstime l 162001675 scaled e1735837476648 Houston Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers Fights for Legislative Improvements to Enhance Victims’ Rights and Public Safety

Crime Stoppers of Houston remains committed to fighting for legislative improvement to enhance victims’ rights and public safety. The Texas 87th Legislative Session kicks off at the Capitol in Austin today. The following legislative items are on our agenda to support this session: HB 670: This bill will enhance penalties for those who engage in what is known as ‘Celebratory Gunfire’. Reckless discharge of a firearm that causes serious bodily injury and or death may be punishable as a second-degree felony. In 2020, Harris County had several people injured and a nurse was killed as a result of ‘Celebratory Gunfire’. Felony Bond Reform Bills are expected to be filed by Houston area Senators Paul Bettencourt and John Whitmire to address the ramifications of felony bond reform. This is an issue Crime Stoppers has been at the forefront and has led the charge to seek significant changes to enhance public safety when it comes to felony bond reform. Allowing the Parole Board discretion when it comes to reviewing offenders for parole convicted of Assault with the Intent to Impede Breathing. Current statutes mandate yearly parole reviews for the above offenders. Legislation will be filed to allow the parole board the same […]

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