The function of the Safe School Institute is to create a one-stop center for all aspects of school safety. The Safe School Institute keeps schools safe by creating a proactive dialogue with students, parents, school staff and law enforcement about personal and school safety and by providing students with a safe and anonymous way to report crime and potential dangers on campus.
Since its inception in 1997, the Safe School Institute has evolved into a FREE, year-round program that has educated over 1 million students in over 60 school districts in the Greater Houston Area and Texas.
The Institute delivers all three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary. We are committed to reaching our audience whenever they are able whether it be during school hours or outside of school hours, on campus or off-campus. Whatever their needs are, the Safe School Institute is available at no cost to provide a customized format that addresses those needs.
Safe School Program Sponsors*
Thank you to our partners who make our Safe School Institute possible.
The Hamill Foundation
Connectivity Source
Wayne Duddlesten Foundation
The Longenbaugh Fund
The Gordon A. Cain Foundation
Lawrence and Linda Levy
Spindletop Charities, Inc.
*As of 3/2021

Safe Schools Start Here
Welcome to our Safe School Institute program page! We are dedicated to equipping students, teachers, and all school safety personnel with life-saving information and training. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team with questions at