Report a Crime in Houston TX
Crime Stoppers of Houston is home to a wide range of programs and resources that promote safety and security throughout the local community. Our goal is to solve and prevent crimes in Houston TX and provide educational opportunities so that all residents of Houston can do their part to make this a better place.
How to report a tip in Houston TX
With Crime Stoppers, the process of reporting a tip is quick and simple — plus, you are kept anonymous throughout the process.
- For starters, Crime Stoppers offers a wide range of avenues in which you can report the necessary information. You can call our tip line at 713-222-TIPS, go through our mobile app or submit the information online. We’re looking for information that will allow us to solve a crime in Houston TX, and beyond.
- If information leads to an arrest, or clearing of a case, you are entitled to reward money as the tipster. Our team will work closely with you to get you that reward through a bank without you having to make your identity public.
- When you report a crime in Houston TX, we give you the opportunity to provide virtually all the evidence and proof that you have (i.e. pictures, etc.). The more information you provide increases the likelihood that we’ll be able to solve crimes in Houston TX with your tip.
Crime Stoppers of Houston’s tip line has been highly effective in solving cases, arresting suspects, seizing illegal materials and paying out rewards.
It takes an entire community to pitch in to create a safe environment. You can do exactly that by working with Crime Stoppers to report a crime in Houston TX.

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