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Houston School Safety Tips

In this day and age, it can be scary enough just to send your child off to school for the day, which is why Crime Stoppers of Houston works diligently to collect Houston school safety tips and generate additional leads and information that will promote safety throughout our community.

Find Houston school safety resources in our Safe School Institute program

Since 1997, Crime Stoppers has been making school safety resources in Houston TX available to everyone from students and their parents to school administrators. It’s called our Safe School Institute, and we have teams that will deliver free, insightful presentations that provides invaluable information on ways to promote safety in a school.

And, in order to meet the demands of today’s students, we also have developed a Cyber Safety Initiative, which will address cyber bulling and all the other harmful things can happen on the internet and throughout social media channels.

Our Safe School Institute Program has already proven highly effective when considering that Crime Stoppers of Houston has:

  • Reached 1,040,579 students
  • Assisted law enforcement in solving 1,885 cases
  • Helped removed 280 weapons from Harris County middle and high schools

Do you know where to submit Houston school safety tips so that they can be seriously considered and addressed? For some students and parents, they fear going to administrators or law enforcement with school safety tips in Houston TX because they might fear retaliation or having their information ignored.

With Crime Stoppers of Houston, our Houston school safety resources empower students, parents, teachers and administrators with the opportunity to connect with us anonymously and submit this important information so that it can be relayed to law enforcement and properly addressed. It’s take a whole community pitching in to make our schools a safer place!

Connect with Crime Stoppers of Houston with your Houston school safety tips or to utilize our wide range of educational resources.

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