Crime Stoppers of Houston Reward
Have you already heard about Crime Stoppers of Houston reward money, or the difference that these anonymous tips are making in the local community?
Since 1980, Crime Stoppers of Houston has served as a non-profit organization that is heavily involved in promoting safety throughout local communities in Harris County. We provide a variety of resources that empower community members to make their own neighborhoods safe.
One way is by developing an outlet for community members to submit crime tips and information, which we pass along to the necessary law enforcement agencies. Not only does this information help resolve unsolved crime, prevent future crime, but it also often comes with Crime Stoppers anonymous tip reward money.
Consider some of the following metrics associated with our Crime Stoppers of Houston tip line to see the kind of impact we have made in the local community. Since 2017, information submitted through our organization has led to:
- 450 solved cases
- 324 suspects arrested
- $13,940 in money seized
And that’s a total that is growing as you read this. We’ve paid out plenty of anonymous tip reward money, as well. Since 2017, our organization has issues 311 Crime Stoppers of Houston reward money payments, some of which have been as much as $5,000.
The reward that comes with our Crime Stoppers anonymous tip reward money is just a little added incentive to get folks to act and submit important information that will preserve the safety and peace in our community. The real reward is creating a safe and secure environment for everyone to live in.
Thank you for supporting Crime Stoppers of Houston
We encourage you to get involved with Crime Stoppers in anyway possible — from donating and participating in one of our many programs, to submitting a tip that could net you Crime Stoppers of Houston reward money. Let’s make Harris County a safer place together.

Over 34,900
