You Did A Great Job This Month! Presentation Log "*" indicates required fields Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Staff Member*Select OneVirtual Pre-RecordedAguilar, JulianaBurk, JessicaCarlson, AddieCasey, HaileyChristoph, NicholeConklin, CallyFondren, JennaFrey, KaitlynnGalvan, JuanaGuidry, ClaraKahan, AndyMankarious, RaniaParker, ErinReyes, ErnieSalazar, TeresaShaw, TiffanyWebb, JoshuaZuiker, SydneyOther/VolunteerMultiple StaffIf multiple staff presented, please select multiple staff.Additional StaffIf multiple staff, please list everyone here.Other/VolunteerList name of the volunteer or other individual not listed in staff list.Program*Select OneSCI/Victim ServicesSSISSI-StatewideNEEDSSplit SCI/SSISelect a program from the list that best fits this event. Outreach InformationType of Outreach*Select OnePresentations/TrainingsFairs/OutreachCS Hosted Presentations/TrainingsMaterial Drop OnlyOutreach Delivery*Select OneIn PersonVirtual/EmailCombinationGroup InformationGroup Type*Select OneSchoolCommunity GroupOnly select school if the presentation is specifically for students or school staff at a specific school. An ISD group should be community.Name of Group/Organization/School/Event*District*If not a school, please enter "N/A". If this is a district wide presentation, please list the appropriate ISD.School Classification*Select OnePublicCharterFaith Based/PrivateAlternativeCommunity GroupIf not a school, please select "community group".School Level*Select OneElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolJunior High SchoolIntermediate SchoolHigh SchoolMulti-Grade CampusCommunity GroupSelect Multi-Grade for schools that have lower and upper schools on their campus. If not a school, please select "community group".Grade Level (i.e. 3, 4, 5)*If students were not reached, please enter "N/A".Location Address* IMPORTANT: If this was a virtual presentation or if information was emailed, please enter the address of the group not the Crime Stoppers address. Only enter the Crime Stoppers address if this was a Crime Stoppers hosted event.Presentation InformationEnglish or Spanish*Select OneEnglishSpanishBothIs this M4M Reach? Yes No Primary Audience*Select OneStudentsEducators/School StaffCommunityParentsPresentation/Training Topic*Select OneActive Shooter/Counter TerrorismAnimal Cruelty/SafetyBe Nice Mental HealthBullying PreventionChild/Elder AbuseCity & County CivicsCrime Stoppers/SSI 101Cyber Safety Awareness (Cyber, Gaming, Social Media)Online Solicitation AwarenessDomestic/Teen Dating ViolenceFinancial CrimesSituational Awareness (College, Home, Prom, Seasonal)Human TraffickingJuvenile LawsMuderabiliaReporting Disclosed/Suspected Child AbuseSocial Media & Mental HealthSubstance/Vaping Use PreventionTip LineVictim ServicesMaterial Drop OnlyOtherNo Show/No AttendeesOther Type of PresentationNumber of Presentations/Material Drops Given*Please list "1" for mateiral drops only. If multiple topics were covered, please do a separate entry for each topic.Actual ReachEnter the number of participants that were physically present or will receive the information provided. Actual reach for material drops are to be counted in Community/Parents. If one of the demographics were not reached, please enter 0.Students*School Staff/Law Enforcement*Community/Parents*Potential ReachEnter the potential reach for all outreach types in this entry. This is the potential number of individuals reached via outreach or material drops. This should in some way should be divisible by the quantity of materials provided.Potential ReachMaterials ProvidedWere any sponsored materials provided?*Select OneYesNoSponsored MaterialsEnter the quantity of sponsored materials provided. For example, 10 sleeves of cookies, 10 id kits and 5 Whataburger coupons. If materials were not provided, please enter 0.Child Id KitsGoya CookiesWhataburgerNotes*Enter any notes that may help explain any part of this entry. Truck - Total mileage