Rania Mankarious talks about how many of us might be feeling symptoms of PTSD after Harvey.
Rania Mankarious talks about how many of us might be feeling symptoms of PTSD after Harvey.
Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them most and filling an emptiness they never knew they had. That’s exactly what rescue has done for us. We got involved with DREAM shortly after uprooting our entire life and moving to Houston where we didn’t know a single soul. It’s been a way for us to do something we love while meeting some pretty spectacular people along the way!
Going through a hurricane whether you were directly impacted or not makes us all susceptible to victimization. Our youth are sadly at risk for a myriad of reasons – some may have been displaced, some may be suffering from anxiety over the situation in general or simply by watching the news, and others may feel unsafe. Perpetrators pray on those vulnerabilities.
Rania Mankarious shares safety reminders in light of Hurricane Harvey. She touches on topics such as looting, scams, social media and more.