Victim Advocates are trained to support victims of all crime, especially violent crime. They offer emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding local resources and a myriad of other responsibilities. Advocates need to have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with people of different types of education and background. Most of all they need to be sympathetic, understanding and patient. Crime Stoppers of Houston became the first of its kind to enact a victim services/advocacy program in June 2018. One of our main objectives is to ensure victims and survivors have a voice in our criminal justice system. The office routinely meets with victims and their families to discuss how Crime Stoppers can help bring attention to their case with the assistance of law enforcement through media intervention. We believe it is vital to empower crime victims in the hopes of rebuilding their lives. One of the unique services the office offers that no one else does is to regularly meet with the parole board along with victims and surviving family members of homicide to assist in requesting the offender remain in prison. In addition the office conducts numerous victim related events throughout the year, including […]