
CALL 713.222.TIPS (8477)

Road Rage

Road rage is any aggressive, angry, or dangerous behavior exhibited by a driver or passenger of a vehicle.

Did you know?

  • Road rage can be caused by inebriation, impatience, anxiety, or any other kind of mental or emotional
  • Road rage looks like cutting someone off, honking their horn, verbal insults, obscene gestures, showing a weapon, tailgating, brake-checking, or attempting to fight another motorist
  • Harris County has the highest rate of road fatalities in Texas, 66% of which are caused by aggressive driving (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
  • 37% of road rage incidents involve firearms (American Safety Council)
  • 41% of people believe that road rage is just as dangerous as drunk or distracted driving, but most fail to report road rage when they see it


Road Rage Safety Awareness Tips


Where to Report

  • Report aggressive drivers by calling 311. Include vehicle description, location, license plate number and direction of travel.
  • Call 911 if threatened. Continue to drive to a public place like a police or fire station.
  • Road rage incidents have increased in Houston & Harris County. If you have any information about an unsolved road rage incident, please report anonymously to the Crime Stoppers Tip Line at 713-222-TIPS(8477).


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To schedule a community presentation, fill out our presentation request link here: https://crime-stoppers.org/presentation_request