
How hot is too hot for dogs?

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Did you know?

  1. Dogs can develop heat stroke in as little as 30 minutes and can die within an hour of experiencing heat stroke.
  2. Both temperature and humidity can play a large part in the risk of head stroke in dogs. It is very risky to exercise your dog at temperatures above 77 degrees when high rates of humidity are present.
  3. The inside of your car can reach 102 degrees Fahrenheit within 10 minutes on an 85-degree day.

Texas Heat

As a state with hot summers and high temperatures, it is particularly important to protect animals in Texas from heatstroke, a dangerous condition that can occur when dogs are exposed to high temperatures for an extended period.

Heatstroke occurs when a dog’s body temperature rises above its normal range. This condition can be fatal if not treated promptly. Symptoms of heatstroke in dogs include:

  • excessive panting
  • difficulty breathing
  • lethargy
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea

To prevent heatstroke in dogs, it is important to take precautions during hot weather. One of the most important steps is to never leave a dog in a parked car, even if the windows are cracked. The temperature inside a car can rise rapidly, and a dog can quickly become overheated.

It is also important to ensure that dogs have access to shade and water during hot weather. Dogs should have a cool and shady area to rest and access to fresh water at all times. Additionally, it is recommended to walk dogs early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperature is cooler.

Texas Laws

In Texas, there are also specific laws in place to prevent animal cruelty and neglect. The state’s animal cruelty law makes it a felony to engage in animal cruelty, which includes leaving animals in hot cars or other situations that could cause them harm. The law also requires animal shelters and rescue organizations to report suspected cases of animal cruelty to law enforcement.

In addition to the animal cruelty law, Texas also has laws that protect animals from neglect. The state has specific requirements for animal care, including adequate food, water, and shelter. Texas also requires that animals have access to veterinary care when necessary.

Animal Safety Education

Crime Stoppers of Houston has partnered with Houston PetSet to promote animal safety through education. Together, we provide materials to schools, animal shelters, and other organizations to promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare. The materials cover topics such as proper care for your pet, how to engage with stray animals, and how to report suspected animal cruelty. Our hope is that with better education, comes better care for the animals of Texas!

Reporting Animal Cruelty

In an Emergency: If you see a crime in process and it involves an animal, dial 911.

Across the State of Texas: Texas has a statewide animal cruelty hotline that individuals can call to report suspected cases of animal cruelty. The hotline is available 24/7 and can be reached by dialing 1-800-252-5400.

Houston’s Animal Cruelty Taskforce If you see a neglected or abused animal or a dumping ground of animals, call the Harris County Animal Cruelty Task force at 1-832-927-PAWS.

Animal safety and cruelty prevention are important issues that all Texans should take seriously!


Tik Tok Announces Time Limit for Teen Users

3.3.23 Sydney Kaitlynn Houston Crime Stoppers


On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the popular social media platform TikTok announced they would be implementing a new feature, which will automatically set a 60-minute daily screen time limit for users under the age of 18. This new feature is a response to growing concerns from parents over the platform’s potential harmful impact on younger users.  According to the new guidelines, when the time limit is up, users will be prompted to enter a passcode to continue using the device. For users 13 and younger, parents will be prompted to input a passcode every 30 minutes for their child to be able to continue to use the platform.

TikTok partnered with Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital to determine the length of time for this new screentime limit.  Although currently there is not a widely accepted “right” amount of screen time for teens, a promising study by *Tweng and Campbell (2018) found that teens who spend more than seven hours a day on screens are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression. This initiative has not rolled out yet, but TikTok plans to begin implementing this soon.

For more information on social media and mental health, visit our Resource Center or Schedule a Presentation.



Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

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dreamstime xxl 44669352 Houston Crime StoppersFor the month of February, Crime Stoppers focuses on the issue of Teen Dating Violence (TDV). Also called intimate partner violence, TDV includes physical, psychological, sexual, and electronic abuse, and can happen with a current or former partner.  Teens often think some behaviors, like teasing and name-calling, are a “normal” part of a relationship, but these behaviors can become abusive and develop into serious forms of violence. Other common forms of TDV include:

  • sending repeated and unwanted messages
  • cyberstalking (constantly checking location via social media or another app)
  • pressuring a partner to perform sexual acts or send explicit pictures
  • frequently criticizing and humiliating their partner
  • refusing to take accountability for their bad actions
  • forbidding a partner from talking to certain people
  • spreading rumors about sexual activity
  • going through a partner’s phone without permission

Many teens do not report unhealthy behaviors. 33% of adolescents in America experience some form of dating abuse, but only one-third of students experiencing TDV ever report it1. Part of that is due to students not recognizing the forms of abuse they see, but another reason is because of the fear and stigma around being victimized by a partner. At Crime Stoppers, not only do we seek to prevent violence in our community, but we are also here to support those that have been, or are currently being, victimized. For victims of TDV, it is important to remember that there are ways to keep yourself safe from your abuser, even at school.

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits gender-based discrimination in any school receiving federal funding, including all public K-12 schools and most universities2. Under this law, sexual harassment and other forms of dating violence are illegal. Schools have a legal obligation to respond to any reported cases of TDV and ensure that they are providing a safe environment for all of their students in class, during field trips, and even on school buses. Under Title IX, schools have a responsibility to be proactive in ensuring their campus is free from sex discrimination by having the following:

  1. readily available policy against sex discrimination
  2. procedure for students to file complaints, and
  3. Title IX coordinator on campus to whom reports of discrimination can be made

Upon receiving a report of discrimination, schools must take immediate action. Even if the police are conducting their own investigation, schools are required to investigate separately. Schools must also take the necessary steps to ensure the victim is protected against retaliation from the alleged attacker, their friends, and faculty. Upon completion of their independent investigation, schools must notify the student how the complaint was resolved. Possible resolutions include transferring the attacker to another school, expelling them, or issuing a no-contact order.

Under no circumstances is a school allowed to punish a student that reports discrimination – they shall not force them to change schools, leave a team, or change an extracurricular activity, nor are they allowed to “run out the clock” on a complaint.

As always, prevention is key. Title IX exists as a resource for those that have already been victimized, but preventing all forms of violence, and keeping children and youth safe, is paramount. By modeling respectful relationships – having healthy disagreements, setting boundaries, communicating honestly – and interrupting dating violence when we see it, we can ensure teenagers experience relationships that are happy, fun, and safe.


  1. org, 2014
  2. ACLU, 2011

Our Podcast Returns With Season 5!

S5 Premiere YT Cover Houston Crime Stoppers

Season 5 of our podcast, The Balanced Voice with Rania Mankarious started today!

Episode 57 is the first episode of a multi-part series on the fentanyl crisis in America. In this episode, Rania and this season’s co-host Jennifer interviewed Harris County Sheriff Deputy Leggett about her near-death experience after being exposed to fentanyl while on a service call. Together, they dive into what happened and the immediate action she took that saved her life.



Special thank you to our Season 5 sponsor Flip Lok for making this episode possible. Learn more about Flip Lok at


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On KHOU: Houston teens blackmailed with fake nude photos

keyboard Houston Crime Stoppers

“They’re taking those photos and they’re manipulating them, creating highly sexualized sometimes pornographic content and then using it for extortion and blackmail.”

Crime Stoppers CEO Rania Mankarious speaks to Lauren Talarico on KHOU 11 about how online predators are using kid and teen pictures taken from social media sites like SnapChat and Instagram and manipulating them to extort them.

*What should children and parents know about sextortion?

Crime Stoppers recommends victims do the following:

  • Stop all commutations.
  • Document everything.
  • Do not give them money or meet any other demands.
  • Report it to the FBI, Internet Crimes Against Children and local officials.
  • Post on social media that this has happened to warn other contacts.
  • Talk honestly with your kids.

Watch full story here: