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Statewide Expansion


Through our Statewide Expansion efforts, our team strives to be a resource and a solution for school safety education. We currently offer the following to help all school communities across the state of Texas:

  • Statewide Trainings
  • Safe School Presentations across Texas (outside of Harris County)
  • S.A.V.E. Webinars

We look forward to working with you!

Statewide Trainings

On May 30, 2018, Governor Greg Abbott unveiled his multifaceted “School and Firearm Safety Action Plan” in response to the Santa Fe High School shooting that occurred on May 18, 2018. His Action Plan includes expanding campus Crime Stoppers programs statewide. As the largest Crime Stoppers organization in the country, the Texas Criminal Justice Division asked Crime Stoppers of Houston to roll out our Safe School Program to as many Crime Stoppers organizations across the state – reaching approximately 1,800 school districts.

In response, we are committed to sharing our program, training stakeholders, developing curriculum, and engaging the community so that every Crime Stoppers organization operating within the State of Texas can offer their local schools and their entire community the same life-saving tools and resources we have here.

In 2018, we held our first quarterly training at our headquarters, followed by 6 more in-person quarterly trainings through February 2020. However, with the onset of COVID 19, we moved our trainings to a virtual platform for the remainder of 2020 through present. We’ve reached 291 Crime Stoppers groups/affiliates within Texas, 31 Crime Stoppers groups/affiliates from around the USA and internationally, and will continue to host quarterly trainings moving forward

Statewide Training Information


Safe School Presentations Across Texas

In 2023, the Safe School Institute expanded its statewide team to ensure that every student, educator, law enforcement officer, and parent had free access to preventative education. We now have a robust team of presenters to spread awareness and valuable education on personal and school safety subject matter.

This team is responsible for facilitating presentation requests outside of the Greater Houston Area and building relationships with school campuses and districts across major cities and small towns.
SWT Presentations Houston Crime Stoppers
Download our Statewide Menu of Services below to view a list of presentations, trainings and conversations offered to schools and their communities outside of Harris County.

Click here to request a presentation outside of Harris County

SWT Partnerships Houston Crime Stoppers



S.A.V.E. Webinars

In partnership with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), we are pleased to present the webinar series: S.A.V.E. (Safety Awareness. Valuable Education). This webinar series serves as platform to inform, educate, and provide resources for teachers, school administrators, school-based law enforcement, school related safety personnel, as well as all Crime Stoppers organizations on the many topics that concern the safety of our schools and community.

S.A.V.E. webinars are offered every Monday at 10:00am CST. Register for upcoming webinars or view past webinars through our calendar of events below:

View Calendar of Events Here

Statewide Newsletter



Statewide Expansion Sponsor

Thank you to our partners at the TEA for making our statewide expansion possible.

TEA logo Color w outlines updated Houston Crime Stoppers