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Relational Safety

Intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and other forms of relational violence make our communities unsafe and must be addressed and disrupted. Safe relationships are an essential ingredient for safe communities, and it is our collective responsibility to create environments of trust, respect, and empathy in all types of relationships.

Intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and other forms of relational violence make our communities unsafe and must be addressed and disrupted. Safe relationships are an essential ingredient for safe communities, and it is our collective responsibility to create environments of trust, respect, and empathy in all types of relationships


Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, psychological, emotional, or sexual
violence within a dating relationship, including stalking. It can occur in person or
electronically and can occur between a current or former dating partner


Elder abuse can leave lasting emotional, physical, and financial scars on older adults and their families, eroding trust and security. When families and communities are informed about the signs of elder abuse and how to prevent it, they can take proactive steps to protect vulnerable seniors. Raising awareness and fostering a culture of care and vigilance is essential to ensuring the safety and dignity of our elderly loved ones.


Sexual assault has devastating effects on individuals, families, and entire communities, often leaving emotional, psychological, and physical trauma in its wake. Creating a mindset of prevention through education, awareness, and support can help reduce the stigma, encourage reporting, and foster a safer environment for everyone. Empowering individuals with resources and knowledge is crucial to protecting and supporting those at risk and creating safer spaces for all.


Where to Report

  • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
  • If you suspect abuse of a minor, you must report to DFPS at 1-800-252-5400.
  • National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline: 866-331-9474
    • Chat – loveisrespect.org
    • Text – LOVEIS to 22522
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233


Partners & Resources

  • Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC): is a 501©3 organization with a mission “to create social change by taking action against personal and societal patterns of violence and oppression.
  • AVDA: is a nonprofit organization that has served the Houston community for 40 years with the mission to end family violence by advocating for the safety and self-determination of victims, promoting accountability for abusers and fostering a community response to abuse.
  • Family Houston: Through our many programs and outreach services, Family Houston builds stronger communities by supporting families who face financial, mental health, relationships, and other critical challenges.
  • Adult Protective Services: investigates abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults who are elderly or have disabilities and who live in the community.