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When Georgia Smiled – The Must-Know App

I’m sitting at a hair salon and am taken by the women who come in and go out – all with smiles on their faces and exciting weekend plans. In the background, I can’t help but focus on the fashion shows in the waiting area. As model after model walks...

How Much Is a Little Girl Worth?

How much is a little girl worth? asked Rachael Denhollander in court. It’s an incredibly complex question when you examine it amidst the overwhelming allegations that have come out against Larry Nassar, allegations that span decades and involve major...

They Are Our Kids Too

When news broke of the child abuse, no – the torture, endured by 13 children at the hands of their parents, we as a nation were stunned and heartbroken. We all asked, How does something like this happen? How can parents abuse and torture their own or any child...

The Logan Paul Debate

To be honest, I didn’t know who he was until news broke. Logan Paul, the famous YouTube star with 15 million subscribers, was nowhere on my radar. But then he made a decision that erupted in a national debate. The unraveling of it all was fascinating to me and...

The Day I Went Dark

I took a few days off during the holidays. I remember waking up with great plans to joyfully and slowly sip away on a warm cup of coffee while leisurely watching daytime shows I normally never get to watch. I planned to put away the cell phone, turn off the computer...
Sunday Mornings with Rania: Most-Read 2017 Articles

Sunday Mornings with Rania: Most-Read 2017 Articles

I remember going back two (almost three years now) to that coffee with Joni Hoffman. It was there that I pitched the idea of a weekly blog post, one that would not be scary or gloomy but rather insightful, telling, informative and hopefully of value to Buzz readers....
Sunday Mornings with Rania: A Bit about Bitcoins

Sunday Mornings with Rania: A Bit about Bitcoins

I remember the days when parents would systematically teach their children about the value of money. Teens would get a set of chores or maybe take on a first job and parents would discuss how money is exchanged, the need to save and how to spend wisely. Parents were...