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Financial Crime

Financial Crime

You are being watched. Every time you get on the internet using your computer, tablet, phone, etc. you will be watched by someone. Website cookies track what you do. Social media platforms collect and sell data about you to advertisers. Criminals use these same...
Monitoring Kids’ Technology Use at School

Monitoring Kids’ Technology Use at School

In today’s digital world, savvy parents do everything they can to protect their children online: we follow their social media or even forbid them from joining social media altogether; we check privacy settings; monitor internet usage through wireless routers or...

Why Your Child Should Post Like a Celebrity

There’s no other word to describe what happened other than horrifying. She woke up to him standing over her in her bedroom, naked. It was roughly 2:45 a.m. on Aug. 30 and her parents were sleeping just down the hallway. She’s only 13 years old. Terrified, she began...

The Hoax that’s no Joke

“I want to blow up the school” are the seven words that will cost 17-year-old Braeden McDaniel a lifetime of consequences. Earlier this week, these seven words got McDaniel handcuffed, escorted out of his school and taken to Harris County jail. Seven words now mean a...

Mollie Tibbetts’ Story, Safety Tips for Joggers

The murder of a young woman has the nation in an uproar. How is it possible that Mollie Tibbetts, the 20-year-old University of Iowa sophomore’s simple decision to go for an evening run in the farming town of Brooklyn, would senselessly lead to her death? As the case...

Social Media and The Real Deal with your Teen

It’s a scenario I see often. A young girl or boy posts extremely provocative photos on Instagram or Snapchat. They are kids in loving homes, with very involved parents. Still, the same questions come to mind: Do these parents follow their children online, on each...

What You Need to Know about Online Scams

It’s been a surreal two weeks. The senseless murder of Dr. Mark Hausknecht shook our lives and captured the attention of the nation. As the community came together, a tip led to the identification of Joseph James Pappas, the man who apparently held a 20-year grudge...