Our kids are now online more than ever to stay connected and informed, for educational learning and research, online shopping, and for entertainment. With 10.3 years being the average age U.S. kids get a smartphone and 1 in 2 children having a social media account by age 12, it is more important than ever to understand how the cyber world works and the potential risks that come along with navigating the internet.
In order to keep our children safe while they stay connected with family and friends, learn, play, socialize via text and social media apps, among many other things, we must inform ourselves about the potential dangers and risks related to navigating the internet. Our cyber safety initiative offers resources and tools to students, school staff, and parents.
Student Presentations
Teaches primary students how to respond to inappropriate content, the importance of keeping personal information private, and recognizing cyberbullying behavior. Tweens and Teens will learn how to stay safe online, effectively combat and address cyberbullying, create a positive online community, and a positive online reputation.
* Pre-K – 2nd grade – 30 min
* Upper Elementary School – 45 min
* Middle School – 45 min
* High School – 45 min
School Staff Trainings
Cyber Safety: There is a plethora of cyber safety concerns and forms on online victimization. In this presentation you will get an in depth overview of potential online dangers, trends, hidden features of popular social media apps, and a brief overview of gaming platforms, as well as long terms consequences and laws surrounding the internet and monitoring tools to assist you in keeping your students safe while use technology.
Cyber Safety and Human Trafficking: There is an inseparable link between Human Trafficking and the Internet. This presentation will highlight the nexus between pornography, trafficking, and grooming techniques used by predators. Gain an understanding through examples of direct messages used to lure students away from their homes, and most importantly how to have the uneasy but necessary conversations with your student.
Thank you to Demand Disruption and Dr. Nissi Hamilton for partnering with us to provide valuable videos throughout this presentation!
Gaming Safety: The rise of online gaming in mainstream culture has caused an increased risk of vulnerability and victimization in students. This presentation will teach you about video game basics, the impact of eSports on our culture and safety, how gaming could be affecting your students, and how to keep your student safe while gaming. We will end this presentation with monitoring tools and techniques to aid you in ensuring safe game play in your home.
Social Media Safety: This presentation offers interactive videos examining the depths of each popular app by covering trends, safety settings, and hidden features. Learn terms, concerning features, long term consequences, and laws surrounding social media as well as discussing resources and monitoring options to ensure effective safety precautions.
Parent Presentations
Cyber Safety Awareness: There is a plethora of cyber safety concerns and forms on online victimization. In this presentation you will get an in depth overview of potential online dangers, trends, hidden features of popular social media apps, and a brief overview of
gaming platforms, as well as long terms consequences and laws surrounding the internet and monitoring tools to assist you in keeping your students safe while use technology.
Cyber Safety and Human Trafficking Awareness: There is an inseparable link between Human Trafficking and the Internet. This presentation highlights the nexus between pornography, trafficking, and grooming techniques used by predators. Gain an understanding through examples of direct messages used to lure students away from their homes, and most importantly how to
have the uneasy but necessary conversations with your student.
Thank you to Demand Disruption and Dr. Nissi Hamilton for partnering with us to provide valuable videos throughout this presentation!
Gaming Safety: The rise of online gaming in mainstream culture has caused an increased risk of vulnerability and victimization in students. This presentation will teach you about video game basics, the impact of eSports on our culture and safety, how gaming could be affecting your students, and how to keep your student safe while gaming. We will end this presentation with monitoring tools and techniques to aid you in ensuring safe game play in your home.
Social Media and Mental Health: Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media are at an increased risk of mental health problems. Join Crime Stoppers of Houston for an honest discussion about the nexus between social media and mental health. Come learn simple steps you can take to create a healthy social media environment in your home and how to use existing tools to help you do so.
This presentation is intended for participants 18+ years and is not suitable for children.