- Board of Directors
- Advisory Board
- Chairman’s Council
- Leading Women for Public Safety
- LWPS Members
- Young Professionals Board
Vanessa Ames
Lindsay Aronstein, Connectivity Source (Immediate Past Board Chair)
Taseer Badar, ZT Corporate, Chairman & CEO
Wendy Baimbridge, City of Hedwig Village, City Administrator
John Crapitto, SYSCO, Vice President Business Development-East(Secretary)
Travis Dorroh, RealPage, Inc, Sr. Director (Treasurer)
Michelle Heinz, Community Volunteer
Jennifer Hohman
Dr. Karen Jaggers, The Jaggers Group, Clinical Psychologist
Stacy Johnson, MetroNational Corp., Director of Corporate Philanthropy
Shana Jones
Patricia King-Ritter, Envibe, Inc., Managing Director(Vice Chair)
Logan Leal, Attorney
Brooke Lee, Community Volunteer
Matt Mackey, ConocoPhillips, Director of Corporate Finance
Chris Massey, Affiliated Marketing Group, Managing Partner (Board Chair)
Steve Mohtashami, Vitol Inc., USWC Jet Fuel Trader / Vice President of Vitol Aviation Co.
Alejandro Nazario, T.O.S. Advisors, LLC, Partner
Akash Patel, Energy Flow Systems, Inc., Engineer
Jordan Seff
Alicia Smith, Innovative Legal Solutions, President & CEO
Jeff Stearns, R. R. Donnelley, Retired
Sean Stewart, CenterPoint Energy, VP of Workplace, Fleet, Shops, and Radio Services
Jill Talisman
Jeff Vaden, Bracewell LLP, Partner
Sheridan Williams
Len Wright, US Anesthesia Partners, President
Jonathan Zadok, Zadok Jewelers, Partner
Andy Allen, United Protective Services, Owner & President
Beth Arlington
Dr. Crystal Collier, KnowYourNeuro.org, Therapist, Prevention Researcher, Educator
Melissa Cummins, Houston Police Department, Deputy Director, Office of Planning & Data Governance
Dorit Feldman-Kamman, Lev Fine Jewelry, Owner
Alan Helfman, River Oaks Chrysler Jeep
Andrea Hellyer, Knightscope, Director of Client Development
Brigitte Kalai
Maha Khan
Oscar Martinez, Frost Bank, Executive Vice President
Bob Meehan, Self-Employed
Robert Ray, Union Pacific Railroad Police Department, Retired
Kese Smith, Houston Police Department, Deputy Director
Justin Vickrey, Stellar Bank, Senior Vice President
Don Woo, Mission Constructors, Inc., President
Hazem Ahmed
Melissa Davis
Ricardo Nazario
Dave Ward, Chairman Emeritus
Fenner Weller
Michael Wilson
Leading Women for Public Safety is a society of women in the Greater Houston Area who care deeply about public safety and work in tandem with Crime Stoppers of Houston to ensure safety for all. Together, through education and advocacy on critical public safety issues, LWPS hopes to make a positive impact for all families, homes, schools, businesses, neighborhoods and communities in Houston and across Texas.
If you would like to get more information or to get involved, please scan the QR code:
Alicia Smith | Holley Madden | Michelle Heinz |
Alison Gottlieb | Hunter Bell | Michelle LeBlanc |
Alitza Contreras | Jackie Harrison | Mona Khan |
Allison Mitschke | Jacquie Baly | Monica Mehta |
Alma Kombargi | Jan Chafin | Monica Roberts |
Amanda Orr | Jan Shrader | Natalie Ariz |
Amy Burns | Janice Sedita | Natalie Parish |
Amy Liebmam | Jeanie Hartwig | Natasha King |
Amy Pierce | Jenna Jackson | Nichole Christoph |
Amy Zadok | Jennifer Hohman | Nicole Katz |
Andrea Hellyer | Jennifer Reyna | Nina Magon |
Angela Paschall | Jennifer Sieracki | Patricia King-Ritter |
Ashley Seippel | Jennifer Addicks | Patti Hoke |
Ashley Patton | Jennifer Allensworth | Paula Walter |
Audrey McMurray | Jerri Duddlesten Moore | Priscilla Tucker |
Barbara Fox | Jill Herrera | Rachel Regan |
Bethany Buchanan | Jill Talisman | Rania Mankarious |
Bonnie Weekley | Joanna Marks | Resa Clarke |
Brenda Stardig | Joni Hoffman | Rhonda Graff |
Brigitte Kalai | Jordan Seff | Rise Johns |
Britney Sumpter | Joy Sewing | Roula Christie |
Candice Ayala | Joy Mazzocco | Ruchi Mukherjee |
Cara Vann | Judi Bagwell | Sandra Chiang |
Caroline Brown | Kaleta Blaffer Johnson | Shana Jones |
Caroline Harper Knapp | Kara Vidal | Shawn Savarino |
Carolyn Dodson | Karen Young | Shelley Taylor Ludwick |
Carolyn Garofalo | Kathryn Stasney Childers | Sheri Cortez |
Carolyn Gunn-Hook | Kathy Hachigian | Sheridan Williams |
Carrie Koh | Kathy Mattina | Sherri Gross |
Carrie Weitinger | Katrina Kelly | Sherri Spicer |
Cathy Finck | Kay Peeples | Sherri Zucker |
Celeste Medina | Keely Cate | Sherrie Reinhackel |
Charlotte Orr | Kendra Smith | Sherry Klumpp |
Cheryl Guenther | Kim Moody | Sherry Morris |
Claudia Kreisle | Kobi Martin | Sippi Khurana |
Constance White | Kristin Thomas | Sneha Merchant |
Courtney Anderson | Lara Bell | Stacey Fincher |
Crystal Parker | Laura Davenport | Staci Flemming |
Cynthia DeGabrielle | Laura Lovett | Stella Myers |
Dallas Rowden | Laura Ward | Stephanie Perkins |
Dana Myers | Laura Otillar | Stephanie Goldfield |
Daphne McConnell | Laurie Thompson | Sukaina Rajani |
Dawn Fitzgerald | Laurie McNay | Susan Boggio |
Deanna Harrington | Leisa Holland-Nelson | Susan Holcomb |
Debbie Pakzaban | Leslie Dragna | Susan McMillan |
Deborah Duncan | Liena Morrison | Susan Orr |
Deborah Guinn | Lilac Guzman | Tama Lundquist |
Deborah Watson | Linda Pravda | Tama Walker |
Doris Michalak | Lindsay Aronstein | Tami Maloney |
Elizabeth Arlington | Lisa Craig | Tena Lundquist Faust |
Elizabeth Dwyer | Lisa Gremillion | Tia Neyman |
Ellen Cokinos | Lisa Helfman | Tiffany Ruth |
Elva Akin | Lisa Sarvadi | Tighe Tucker |
Ericka Bagwell | Lisa Andrews Alpe | Tina McElyea |
Erika Johnson | Logan Leal | Tina Panzica |
Esther Freedman | Lynn Monteith | Toni Lawrence |
Gabriela Gerhart | Maha Khan | Tracy Faulkner |
Gail Stalarow | Maria Morales | Tricia Oliver |
Gail Alexander | Marianne Duffin | Vanessa Ames |
Marina Harry | Vickie McCarthy | Varda Fields |
Martha Lingo | Wendy Baimbridge | Gerolyn George |
Mary Beth Erfort | Wendy Craven | Gloria Nino |
Megan Ortiz | Yasmine Haddad | Gloria Torres |
Melissa Davis | Yessenia Galvan | Hallie Vanderhider |
Melissa Williams | Yvette Webb | Hannah McNair |
Yvonne Stern | Harriett Semander | |
In Memoriam:
Elizabeth Williams Dwyer
Genny McIntyre
Karley Briscoe
Ryan Dumais
Kaleta Johnson
Whitney Khun
Dakota Mills
Andres Nazario
Ryan Silverman