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Safe School Institute

One-stop center for all aspects of school safety. SSI keeps schools safe by creating a proactive dialogue with students, school staff and law enforcement about personal and school safety. The institute strives to reduce victimization, deter delinquency, and increase campus reporting through prevention-based presentations and trainings.
Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Animal Safety

Bullying Prevention Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Bullying Prevention

Child Abuse Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Child Abuse

College Safety Icon New Houston Crime Stoppers

College Safety

Cyber Safety Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Cyber Safety

Human Trafficking Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Human Trafficking

LGBTQ Icon Houston Crime Stoppers


Mental Health Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Mental Health

Needs Icon Houston Crime Stoppers


Physical Safety Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Physical Safety

Relational Safety Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Relational Safety

Artboard 2 1 Houston Crime Stoppers


Seasonal Safety Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Seasonal Safety

Substance Us Icon Houston Crime Stoppers

Substance Use

Espanol Icon Houston Crime Stoppers
